Self Analysis


SKU: 001 Category:

Do you experience the following:

Self Analysis, when used as little as 15-30 minutes per day, can increase your CONFIDENCE, your MEMORY and your OVERALL WELL-BEING. You can change how your life is going to the way YOU want it to be. Self-Analysis is used to help you raise yourself emotionally and so succeed in life.

Self Analysis is more than just a self-evaluation. It is about you, your relationship to others, your environment and to yourself.

Want more enthusiasm for life, more energy, the feeling that you can accomplish what you have set out to do? All these are attainable as the mental barriers that prevent you from attaining these things can be overcome by applying the procedures in this book. You can do this 15-30 minutes per day or as little as 3 times per week.

You also can monitor your own progress. But if ever you needed help, we are here for you.

Here are some questions. Answer each one by recalling the memory of a time the question asks for and really look at, recall and see what perceptions are available to you.

From the Stabilization List:
1. Recall a time that seems really real to you.
2. Recall a time you felt real affinity* from someone.
3. Recall a time someone was in good communication with you.
4. Recall a time you felt deep affinity for somebody else.

*affinity: the degree of liking or affection you have for someone or something

There are different lists to address different areas of your life.

One of the more popular ones addresses the invalidations (put-downs, barbs, attempts to ruin your self-esteem and self-confidence) you have have received in your life from others who did not have your best interests at heart.

Start accomplishing your goals by getting, reading and applying what you learn in this book.

Weight 0.8 kg
Dimensions 7.5 × 1.25 × 9.5 in

Hard Cover, Soft Cover


English, Tagalog